
Your donation makes a difference.

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Generation One empowers children in the Third Ward to succeed by supporting their education through trauma-informed, social and emotional learning, tutoring, mentoring, enrichment programs, counseling and therapy. Unique to other early education centers, Generation One creates a therapeutic environment, focused on building resiliency in families.
Driven by the belief that access to high-quality early education should not depend on your zip code or household income, Generation One's team of educators and leaders is developing and implementing a holistic model, grounded in research and best practices. Using resulting data, Generation One's framework will be developed into a replicable model that can be tailored for and used in other low­ income, high-need communities.
Generation One Academy is a tuition-free, high-quality early education program for children 3-5 years.
Next Gen is an after-school and summer enrichment program for Academy alumni and area youth in kindergarten through 8th grade.
Empowered Families is our therapy and counseling program that supports all students and families, guided by the concept of "heal the home, heal the child."

Generation One, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your tax deductible donation to Generation One, Inc. will be used to provide for the needs of the children of Third Ward and their community.

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